
List of Fruits That Start With S

Fruits are a vital part of our diet, providing essential nutrients and vitamins for a healthy lifestyle. While there are countless types of fruits available in the market, here we will explore a specific category that starts with the letter S. From exotic tropical fruits to commonly found options, these fruits offer a delicious and nutritious addition to our diet. Let’s delve into the top 15+ fruits that start with S.

19 Fruits That Start With S

Here is a list of popular fruits that start with S.

1. Strawberry

We are starting our list with one of the most popular strawberry berries. This bright red fruit is packed with antioxidants, vitamin C, and manganese, making it an excellent choice for boosting immunity and promoting skin health. Strawberries grow on short plants, and their sweet and tangy flavor makes them a favorite amongst all age groups.


2. Star fruit

Also known as carambola, this fruit gets its name from its unique shape, which resembles a star when sliced. It has a crunchy texture and a juicy, slightly tart taste. Native to Southeast Asia, the star fruit is rich in fiber, vitamin C, and antioxidants. It also contains a compound called oxalic acid, which may cause adverse effects in people with kidney or gallbladder issues.

3. Sapodilla

Sapodilla is a tropical fruit that is native to Mexico. It has a brown, fuzzy exterior and a sweet, caramel-like taste. This fruit is a good source of iron, potassium, and calcium, making it an excellent choice for maintaining bone health and fighting anemia. Sapodilla can be eaten raw or used in desserts and smoothies.

4. Sweet lime

Also known as Mosambi, sweet lime is a citrus fruit widely cultivated in Asian countries. It has a greenish-yellow exterior and a juicy, slightly sour taste. Rich in vitamin C and fiber, sweet lime is known for its ability to improve digestion and regulate blood sugar levels. It is also used in making refreshing drinks and marmalades.

Sweet Lime (Mosambi)

5. Soursop

Soursop, or custard apple, is a tropical fruit with spiky green skin and creamy white flesh. It has a sweet and tangy taste, making it a popular ingredient in desserts and juices. According to some studies, Soursop is highly antioxidative and may have anti-cancer properties. However, it is best to consume this fruit in moderation as it also contains fructose, which can harm health if consumed in excess.

6. Satsuma

Satsuma is a type of mandarin orange, a small, seedless fruit with a loose, easy-to-peel skin. It has a sweet and tangy flavor and is a good vitamin C and fiber source. Satsumas are in season during fall and winter, making them famous for holiday fruit baskets.

7. Sweet pepper

While most people consider sweet pepper a vegetable, it is, in fact, a fruit as it contains seeds. Also known as bell pepper, this nutrient-dense fruit comes in various colors, including green, red, and yellow. It is an excellent source of vitamins A and C, benefiting skin health and immunity. Sweet peppers are versatile and can be used in salads, stir-fries, and as a topping for pizza and sandwiches.

8. Surinam cherry

Surinam cherry is a small, reddish-purple fruit native to South America. It has a sour and slightly sweet taste and is often used to make jams, juices, and sauces. This fruit is high in vitamin C and beta-carotene, making it a potent antioxidant. It is also believed to have anti-inflammatory properties and may help lower cholesterol levels.

Surinam cherry

9. Star apple

Also known as cainito, the star apple is a tropical fruit with glossy purple skin and a creamy white pulp. It has a sweet and juicy flavor and contains high vitamin A and potassium levels. The fruit gets its name from the star-shaped core that can be seen when cut open. Star apple is often consumed fresh or used in making smoothies and ice creams.

10. Spanish lime

Spanish lime, also known as genip or mamoncillo, is a small, round fruit native to the Americas. It has a thin, greenish-yellow skin and a juicy, slightly tart flesh. This fruit is a good vitamin C source and contains compounds that may have anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer properties. Spanish lime is often eaten as a snack or used in making jams and sauces.

11. Snake fruit

Snake fruit, also known as salak, is a small, rough-skinned fruit native to Indonesia. It has a sweet and tangy taste, and its flesh resembles an apple’s. Snake fruit is rich in antioxidants and may have anti-diabetic properties, making it beneficial for people with diabetes. It can be consumed fresh or made into candies and chips.

Snake Fruit ( Salak)

12. Sea buckthorn

Sea buckthorn, or Siberian pineapple or seaberry, is a small, orange fruit that grows on thorny shrubs. It has a tangy and refreshing taste and is packed with essential fatty acids, beta-carotene, and vitamin C. Sea buckthorn is considered a superfood for its numerous health benefits, including boosting immunity and promoting heart health. It is often consumed in the form of juices, jams, and oils.

13. Strawberry guava

Strawberry guava, or cattley guava, is a small, round fruit with a pinkish-red exterior and white flesh. It has a sweet, tangy flavor and is high in vitamin C and fiber. Strawberry guava is often used in making jams and jellies and has medicinal properties. It is believed to help with digestion, fight inflammation, and improve skin health.

Strawberry Guava (Cattley Guava)

14. Sack fruit

Sack fruit, also known as katemfe or African breadfruit, is a large, greenish-yellow fruit that grows on a tree. It has a starchy texture and a mild, nutty flavor. The fruit is commonly roasted, boiled, or ground into flour, a staple food in some African countries. Sack fruit is a good source of protein, essential fatty acids, and minerals like potassium and magnesium.

15. Sugar apple

Also known as sitaphal or custard apple, the sugar apple is a tropical fruit with a green, segmented exterior and creamy flesh inside. It has a sweet and aromatic flavor, making it a popular choice for desserts and milkshakes. Sugar apple is rich in antioxidants and may have anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer properties. Its high fiber content also makes it beneficial for maintaining a healthy digestive system.

Sugar Apple ( Custard Apple )

16. Sago palm fruit

Sago palm fruit, or cycad, is a seed-bearing fruit native to Southeast Asia. It has a dark brown exterior and a starchy, spongy interior. Sago palm fruit is used extensively in Asian cuisine, particularly in making traditional cakes and puddings. It is a good source of carbohydrates and contains no cholesterol, making it a suitable option for people looking for gluten-free or low-fat alternatives.

17. Sweet granadilla

Sweet granadilla, grenadilla, or passion fruit is a small, round fruit with purple, wrinkled skin. It has a tart and juicy pulp often used to make juices, desserts, and cocktails. Sweet granadilla is high in vitamin C and also contains compounds that may have sedative effects, making it beneficial for promoting better sleep.

18. Small watermelon

Small watermelon, or sugar baby watermelon, is a miniature version of the commonly found fruit. It has a dark green exterior and a juicy pink flesh inside. Small watermelons are a good source of hydration and contain essential vitamins and minerals like potassium and vitamin C. They are often consumed as a refreshing snack during the summer months.

Small Watermelon

19. Sultana

Sultanas are a type of dried white grapes that are often used in baking and cooking. They are small, seedless, and have a sweet, tangy flavor. Sultanas are a good energy source and contain essential nutrients like iron and potassium. They are often found in breakfast cereals, desserts, and salads.


So, there you have it – more than 15 fruits that start with S. From commonly found options like strawberries and sweet peppers to more exotic choices like sea buckthorn and sugar apple, these fruits offer a variety of tastes and nutrients. Adding these fruits to your diet and reap their numerous health benefits. Remember to consume them in moderation, and if you have any medical conditions, it is always best to consult your doctor before making any changes to your diet.


Q1. What are some exotic fruits that start with S?

Some exotic fruits that start with S include Soursop, sac, and sea buckthorn.

Q2. Are star-shaped fruits safe for consumption?

While fruits like star fruit and star apple are generally safe, it is best to consume them in moderation and avoid them if you have any underlying health conditions.

Q3. Can small watermelons replace regular-sized ones in recipes?

Yes, small watermelons can be used instead of large ones in recipes, but be mindful of the required quantity as they have different water content.

Q4. Are sago palm fruit and sago pearls the same?

No, sago palm fruit is the hard, seed-bearing pod that grows on a tree, while sago pearls are the starch extracted from the tree’s trunk.

Q5. Can sugar apples be consumed during pregnancy?

It is best to consult your doctor before consuming new food during pregnancy. While sugar apple is generally safe for consumption, it is advisable to finish it in moderation.

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