6 Famous Green Fruits with Black Seeds

Welcome to the magical world of green fruits with black seeds. They taste delicious and are full of color. Like soft avocados and cherimoyas, which are sweet and tropical, these gems have a mix of tastes and nutrients. Get ready for an adventure in taste beyond the ordinary.

Kiwi Fruit with Black Seeds

List of Fruits with Black Seeds:

Here is a list of green fruits with black seeds.

1. Cherimoya:

Cherimoya, a “custard apple,” is grown in the sun-drenched Andes. People often call this green fruit a “dragon egg fruit” because its skin is scaly and resembles dragon scales. Its unique skin hides a treasure trove of creamy white flesh when cut.

Cherimoya tastes like a delicious mix of custard, banana, and pineapple, with tropical harmony in every bite. Not only does it taste sweet, but it also has big black seeds that look like small nut-like stars, which adds a fun contrast.

Cherimoya (Custard Apple)

2. Sugar Apple or Sweetsop:

The skin of a sugar apple, also called sweetsop, is bumpy and green. It tastes sweet, like custard. This fruit, related to cherimoya, has a hidden prize inside its rough skin.

The green skin has bumps, and the white flesh is creamy and tastes like custard. The sugar apple is unique because its black seeds look like watermelon. Even though you can’t eat these seeds, they taste great.

Some people enjoy the taste of the seeds, which gives the smooth flesh a pleasant contrast. Others take them out before enjoying Sugar Apple’s sweet and tropical goodness. Tropical fruits like the sugar apple are fun to eat because they look unique and taste delicious.

Sugar Apple

3. Kiwi:

Due to its bright green color and unique taste, New Zealand’s soft green treat, the Kiwi, has become a worldwide favorite. This tiny fruit has black seeds you can find in fruit bowls worldwide.

Kiwi’s creamy texture pairs well with its sour and sweet flavor, creating a refreshing difference. High in vitamin C and minerals, it tastes delicious and healthy. The edible seeds add a pleasant crunch that improves the whole experience.

Kiwi is beneficial in many ways in the kitchen, from making salads look better to giving smoothies and sweets a unique flavor. Because of its unique taste and health benefits, the Kiwi is a tasty and good-for-you addition to the world of fruits.


4. Avocado:

Avocado is one of the most nutritious foods because it can be used in many ways and contains healthy nutrients. Avocados are popular food items worldwide, even in Central America.

The outside of the fruit is very different because the skin is rough and varies in color from dark green to almost black, depending on the type. When you cut open an avocado, you’ll find creamy, light green to yellowish skin that feels like velvet and tastes as good as it looks.

An ample, smooth, almost black seed or pit is in the middle. Most people throw it away, but some avocado fans find clever ways to use it, like making art or growing fruit from avocado trees.

Avocado with Black Stone

5. Passion fruit:

It has a delicious flavor like lemonade, and its skin is bright purple or golden. When you cut it open, you’ll find black seeds inside the juicy royal juice. Something about the taste makes you want more. It tastes like sweet sunshine with a hint of lemon. This unique fruit tastes delicious and is good for you. It’s full of fiber and vitamins that keep you healthy and happy.

Passion fruit tastes delicious in drinks, sweets, and fruit salads. Put it to use differently. Add it to yogurt for a bright breakfast, or marinate it in cooked foods to taste the tropics. Even though passion fruit is small, it is an excellent addition to the fruit world because it is so tasty and healthy.

Passion Fruit

6. Watermelon:

Watermelon’s juicy pink flesh and excellent flavor make it a classic summer fruit. Fruits like this come from Southern Africa, but they have spread worldwide to signify summer indulgence. 

The smooth, green skin hides an inner layer that is over 90% water and very healthy. You can see pink or red flesh inside the fruit, often sprinkled with black seeds that can be eaten. Watermelons without seeds are more common because they are easier to grow, but watermelons with black seeds add a unique flavor.


Growing Green Fruits with Black Seeds at Home:

Developing your food garden is enjoyable when you grow green fruits with black seeds. Some plants take time and space to grow, but you can do it at home! Here is an in-depth analysis of some standard options:


From Pit to Tree:

Clean and dry the avocado pit, leaving at least an inch of flesh attached. Suspend the pit with toothpicks over a glass of water, submerging the bottom half.

Place it in a warm, sunny spot (70-75°F) and wait patiently! The pit will crack, and a root and stem will emerge.

Once the stem reaches 6-8 inches, pot it in well-drained soil, exposing the top half of the pit.

Provide bright, indirect light and consistent moisture. Be patient – it can take 3-5 years for flowers and even longer for fruit!

Grow Avocado at Home


  • Seeds: Extracting seeds from ripe Kiwis is challenging but possible. Soak them in water, dry them on paper towels, and sow them in moist soil.
  • Grafting: This advanced technique involves grafting kiwi buds onto established hardy rootstock.

Both methods require specific tools, skills, and patience. Seedlings take several years to mature, while grafted vines fruit sooner.

Passion fruit:

  • Seeds: Extract fresh seeds from ripe passion fruit, rinse them, and sow them in warm, moist soil. Keep the soil warm (75-85°F) and humid.
  • Cuttings: Take 4-6 inch stem cuttings from healthy passion fruit vines. Dip the base in rooting hormone and place it in water or moist soil.

Both methods need bright light and regular watering. Seedlings emerge within 2-3 weeks, and cuttings root within a month. Once established, support climbing vines.

General Tips for Home Success:

  • Start small: Choose one or two fruits based on your climate and experience.
  • Research extensively: Each fruit has specific needs for soil, sunlight, watering, and fertilization. Adapt accordingly.
  • Consider container gardening: Most fruits thrive in containers, especially in cooler climates.
  • Be patient: Growing these fruits takes time and dedication. Enjoy the process, learn from your experiences, and celebrate every step of the journey!


Avocado: Creamy and versatile, the king of green fruits with a large pit.

Passion fruit: Tangy and exotic, with jelly-like pulp and crunchy black seeds.

Kiwi: Green with fuzzy brown skin. Its sweet tang pairs well with tiny black seeds.

Black seeds help these fruits reproduce! Inside each seed lies a tiny plant waiting to grow, equipped with nutrients to germinate and flourish.

Yes! Guava and kiwi boast delicious black seeds that add crunch. Avocado pits are large and dense and not recommended for consumption. Passion Fruit seeds are generally safe but bitter.

Look for them in local grocery stores, especially in exotic fruit sections. Farmers’ markets and specialty stores often offer wide varieties.

Yes, absolutely! With patience and the proper technique, you can use avocado pits and kiwi seeds for propagation. Research the specific needs of each fruit for successful growth.

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