10 Creative Ways to Use Orange Peels

Love oranges? Don’t toss those peels! They’re not just trash. Orange peels have unique things inside them, like oils and vitamins, that can be used for many things. In this article, we’ll show you 10 cool ways to use orange peels, from making food taste better to cleaning your house. So next time you eat an orange, keep the peel and get creative!

Ways to Utilize Orange Peels:

Instead of throwing away peels, you can use them for many things! They have vitamins and special oils to help you clean, cook, and even keep bugs away.

1. Candied Orange Peels

Candied orange peels are a delicious treat that is simple to make and can be used in various desserts. Cut the orange peels into strips and boil them in hot water for 15 minutes to remove bitterness. Then, simmer them in a sugar and water mixture until they become translucent. Allow them to cool and dry, and voila! You have a sweet and tangy snack that can be enjoyed alone or as a topping for cakes, cupcakes, and ice cream.

Candied Orange Peels

2. Citrus Zest

The zest of orange is the colorful outermost layer of the peel, packed with flavor and aroma. It can be used in various dishes, adding citrusy freshness. Grate the zest of an orange and sprinkle it over salads, stir-fries, marinades, and baked goods for a tangy twist. You can also use the zest to make homemade salad dressings or vinaigrettes.

3. Orange Peel Tea

Orange peel tea is a popular herbal tea used for centuries for its soothing and healing properties. It is high in vitamin C and antioxidants and is known to boost the immune system, aid digestion, and reduce inflammation. To make orange peel tea, boil water and add dried or fresh orange peel strips. Allow the tea to steep for a few minutes, then strain and enjoy a warm, comforting cup.

Orange Peel Tea

4. Kitchen Cleaner

The next time you need to clean your kitchen, consider using peels before reaching for harsh chemicals. The acidic nature of orange peels makes them an excellent natural cleaner. Place a handful of orange peels in a glass jar and fill it with white vinegar. Allow it to sit for a few weeks, then strain the liquid into a spray bottle. This all-purpose cleaner can remove grease, stains, and odors from countertops, sinks, and other surfaces.

5. Potpourri

Instead of spending money on store-bought potpourri, why not make your own using orange peels? This DIY project is not only economical but also eco-friendly. Dry out orange peels, aromatic herbs, and flowers like lavender, rosemary, and cinnamon sticks. Mix them in a bowl and add a few drops of your favorite essential oils. Place the potpourri in a decorative bowl or sachet and keep it in your drawers, cupboards, or room for a refreshing and natural scent.


6. Orange Peel Oil

Orange peel oil is extracted from the peels of oranges and is known for its antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, and anti-anxiety properties. It can be used in aromatherapy, as a skincare ingredient, and as a natural cleaning agent. Soak orange peels in a jar filled with olive oil for a few weeks to make your orange peel oil. Strain the liquid and store it in a dark glass bottle. Use it in diffusers or apply it topically for a calming and rejuvenating experience.

7. Air Freshener

Say goodbye to synthetic air fresheners and hello to natural, homemade ones using orange peels. Bring water and a handful of orange peels to a boil in a pot. Then, reduce the heat and simmer for a few minutes, allowing the citrus scent to fill your home. To enhance the aroma, you can add your favorite herbs and spices like cinnamon, cloves, and rosemary. This is a cost-effective and chemical-free way to freshen up your living space.

8. Body Scrub

It can also be a natural exfoliating agent to reveal soft and smooth skin. Mix dried orange peels with honey or oil to create a gentle, homemade body scrub. The vitamin C in the peel helps brighten the skin, while the coarse texture removes dead skin cells and impurities. Use this scrub once or twice weekly for a refreshing and rejuvenating shower experience.

Orange Peel Body Scrub

9. Natural Pesticide

Are your plants suffering from insect infestation? Don’t reach for chemical pesticides just yet. Orange peels contain compounds like limonene and linalool, natural insect repellents. Collect the peels, place them around your plants, or bury them in the soil. This will keep pests at bay and nourish the soil simultaneously.

10. Feed Your Plants

Not only do orange peels keep pests away, but they can also benefit your plants by providing essential nutrients. The acidity of the peels helps regulate the soil’s pH level, while the high nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium content acts as a natural fertilizer. Chop the peels into small pieces and mix them in with the soil to provide your plants with a healthy boost.

Frequently Asked Questions:

You can dry orange peels and store them in an airtight container for future use. They will retain their flavor and aroma for several months.

Yes, orange peels can be used in homemade face masks, toners, and hair treatments for a natural and glowing complexion.

Yes, orange peels contain more specific vitamins and minerals than the fruit. They also contain fiber, which aids in digestion and helps with weight management.

You can dry orange peels by placing them in a single layer on a baking sheet and baking them in the oven at a low temperature (200°F) for about 30 minutes or until completely dry. Alternatively, you can air-dry them in a cool, dry place for a few days.

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