
List of Fruits That Start with J

From the sweet and succulent to the tart and tangy, fruits are a delicious way to nourish and satisfy our taste buds. As we explore the vast array of fruits, it’s time to look at those that start with the letter J.

While you may immediately think of the well-known and beloved juicy fruits like juicy watermelons or juicy oranges, there are a variety of lesser-known fruits beginning with J that are just as delightful. These fruits are rich in flavor and offer various health benefits, making them a must-try for any fruit lover. Join us as we discover the juicy world of fruits that start with J.

20 Fruits That Start With J

Here is a list of over 20 fruits that start with J, along with their unique features and health benefits.

1. Jackfruit

Native to South Asia, jackfruit is the largest tree-borne fruit in the world. With a spiky green exterior and a yellow flesh that’s fleshy and sugarcoated, this versatile fruit has a sweet and distinct flavor. It is often used as a meat substitute due to its texture and is commonly used in savory dishes like curries and stews. In addition to being packed with fiber, jackfruit is a good source of vitamin C, antioxidants, and potassium, making it a nutritious addition to any diet.


2. Jujube

Also known as the Chinese date, the Jujube is a small, round fruit with wrinkled skin that varies from yellowish-green to red. This fruit has a tangy and sweet flavor, which becomes more precious as it ripens. Traditionally used in Chinese medicine for its therapeutic benefits, jujubes are high in antioxidants, vitamin C, and potassium. They also improve digestion, promote healthy sleep, and boost immunity.

3. Jabuticaba

Native to Brazil, Jabuticaba is an exotic fruit with a grape-like appearance as it grows directly on the trunk and branches of the tree. With a thin and dark purple skin, this fruit has a soft and sweet white flesh packed with antioxidants, fiber, and vitamins A and C. Its unique appearance and flavor make it a popular ingredient in jams, jellies, and even wine.


4. Jocote

Jocote, the Spanish plum, is a small, tangy fruit from Central America. It has yellow or red skin with a sweet and sour pulp packed with vitamins and minerals, including vitamins A and C, iron, and calcium. In addition to being eaten raw, Jocote is also used in drinks, jams, and desserts.

5. Jatoba

Jatoba, also known as Brazilian cherry, is a small and round fruit with a greenish-brown skin and a sweet and slightly tangy flavor. Commonly found in South and Central America, this fruit contains antioxidants, vitamin C, and minerals like iron and magnesium. Its sweet flavor makes it a popular ingredient in desserts, smoothies, and jams.

Brazilian Cherry

6. Jambul

Jambul, or Java plum, is an oval-shaped fruit with purple or deep blue skin and a tart and tangy flavor. Native to India, this fruit is often eaten raw or used in desserts, jams, and chutneys. It is also known for its medicinal properties, including treating digestive issues, improving blood sugar levels, and promoting healthy skin and hair.

7. Jamun

Also known as black plum, jamun is a small, round fruit with dark purple skin and a sweet and tangy flavor. Native to South Asia, this fruit is high in antioxidants and vitamins A and C. It is also known for its anti-inflammatory properties, making it beneficial for improving heart health and lowering blood pressure.

Black Plum ( Jamun)

8. Janerik

Also known as wild medlar, janerik is a small and round fruit with smooth and brown skin and a sweet and slightly tart flavor. Native to Europe and Asia, this fruit is packed with vitamins C and A and is known for its anti-inflammatory properties. In addition to being eaten raw, janerik is used in jams and jellies.

9. Johnio-Ko

Johnio-Ko, also known as the Japanese raisin tree, is a small and oval-shaped fruit with tough skin that turns black when ripe. Native to Japan and China, this fruit has a tart and slightly bitter flavor and is often used in traditional Chinese medicine for its therapeutic properties. It is also rich in antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals.

10. Jocote de Mico

Jocote de Mico, also known as monkey mombin, is a small and round fruit with a thin yellow skin and a sweet and sour pulp. Native to Central America, this fruit contains vitamins A and C, calcium, and potassium. It is often used in traditional medicine for its anti-inflammatory properties and is also enjoyed raw or used in preserves and drinks.

Jocote de Mico

11. Jacana

Also known as jacana plum, this fruit has a small, round shape with a thin, yellow skin. Native to South America, it has a sweet and sour flavor and is often used in desserts, preserves, and juices. In addition to being a good source of vitamins and minerals, jacana is also known for its anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial properties.

12. Jungle Peach

Jungle peach, or Cocona, is a small, round fruit with yellow or orange skin and a tangy and acidic taste. Native to the Amazon rainforest, it is rich in vitamin C, antioxidants, and minerals like potassium and phosphorus. It is often used in juices, sauces, and preserves.

Jungle Peach

13. Jamaica Plum

Jamaica plum, also known as hog plum, is a small and round fruit with a thin skin that can vary in color from yellow to red. Native to Central and South America, this fruit has a sweet and tart flavor and is often used to make jams, jellies, and syrups. It is also rich in vitamins and minerals and is known for its anti-inflammatory properties.

14. Jambolan

Also known as jambolana, jambolan is a small, round fruit with dark purple skin and a tangy and slightly sweet flavor. Native to India, this fruit is packed with antioxidants, vitamins C and A, and minerals like potassium and iron. It is often used in traditional medicine to treat diabetes and boost immunity.

15. Jungle Plum

Jungle plum, also known as Néré, is a small, round fruit with thin, hard brown skin and white or light yellow flesh. Native to West and Central Africa, it has a slightly sweet and sour flavor and is often used in traditional medicine for its many health benefits, including improving digestion and boosting immunity. It is also commonly used in soups, sauces, and stews.

16. Jambolan Plum

Jambolan plum, also known as Purple plum or Java plum, is a small and round fruit with a deep purple skin and a tart and slightly sweet flavor. Native to South Asia, this fruit is packed with antioxidants and vitamins C and A and is known for its anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. It is often enjoyed raw or used in jams, jellies, and preserves.

17. Jimson Weed

Jimson Weed, also known as Jamestown weed, is a small, round fruit with a thorny exterior and green and white skin. This fruit is native to North and South America and has a slightly bitter and spicy flavor. It is often used in traditional medicine for its therapeutic properties, including its ability to relieve pain and respiratory issues.

18. Juneberry

Juneberry, also known as Saskatoon berry, is a small, round fruit with reddish-purple skin and sweet and juicy flesh. Native to North America, this fruit is packed with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. It is often used in jams, pies, and muffins and is known for its many health benefits, including improving heart health and digestion.


19. Jelly Palm

Jelly palm, also known as Butia capitata, is a small, oblong fruit with yellow skin and sweet, creamy flesh. Native to South America, this fruit is rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. It is commonly used to make jams and jellies and is believed to have anti-inflammatory properties.

20. Jostaberry

Jostaberry, or Ribes nidigrolaria, is a cross between a gooseberry and a black currant. It has an egg-shaped appearance, dark purple or black skin, tart, and juicy flesh. Native to Europe, this fruit is packed with vitamins and minerals and is known for its high antioxidant content. It is often used in desserts, jams, and preserves.



Yes, most fruits that start with J have edible skin as long as they are washed thoroughly. However, for some fruits with tough or thick skin, such as the jackfruit, it is recommended to discard the skin.

Fruits that start with J, such as jambul and jostaberry, are high in fiber, vitamins, and minerals, making them a nutritious addition to any diet. However, consuming them in moderation and as part of a balanced diet for effective weight loss is essential.

Some people may have allergies to certain fruits, including those that start with J, such as juniper berries and jatoba. If you have a known allergy to any of these fruits, it is best to avoid consuming them.

Many fruits that start with J, such as jackfruit and Jujube, grow in tropical and subtropical regions. However, some, like jostaberry and jambolan plum, can also be grown in temperate climates. It’s best to consult a local gardening expert for more information on fruit cultivation in your area.

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